Monday, March 10, 2014

About This Blog

As educators we often encourage our students to reflect on their work.  I currently work at a school that sets aside time for silent reflection each week, so it seems like the right place and the right time to do some reflection of my own, though this reflection will be of our more public nature.  My plan is to share my experiences working as a Middle School Technology Coordinator in hopes that others will benefit from seeing some of the exciting projects going on in my school and that I may benefit from the feedback of those who read this blog.

I addition to my own classes, I have the chance to visit many other classrooms, where I get to see firsthand a variety of activities in our Middle School.  This year I have also had the opportunity to develop several new activities for our students, including a weekly video news broadcast, an activity focusing on 3D printing, and possibly a robotics club, all while our school is also in the midst of implementing a one to one laptop program.  I hope to share my experiences in all of those areas.

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